Monsters bulb boy
Monsters bulb boy

monsters bulb boy

If you try to use an item in a way that wasn’t intended Bulb Boy will shrug off the idea of using it, so you can keep trying different things in a trial and error method if you get stuck.


This is presented as a puzzle in which you’ll figure out what needs to be done (get through a door that is guarded by a spider, for example), and then work out how to do it by interacting with things and collecting items in the room to see what they do.

monsters bulb boy

Each room of the house – and other areas later on – feels like its own level for you to clear with a main goal to complete and several mini steps needed to get there. The gameplay consists of a successful mixture of ideas that see you doing different things as you progress through the story. Using a mixture of puzzle solving, exploration and Bulb Boy’s unique abilities (having a light bulb for a head is surprisingly handy it turns out), your goal is to rescue your family and restore peace to your home. Bulb Boy is a point-and-click adventure horror game, following the story of our titular hero as he wakes from a nightmare to discover that his house has been taken over by evil.

Monsters bulb boy